Como empezar a rezar en familia

The Children’s Rosary has offered over 1,000 nine day novenas for the intention of renewal of family prayer. We also have a monthly Mass offered on the first Saturday of every month for renewal of family prayer.  As founder of the Children’s Rosary, I humbly share how we began family prayer in our home.

The best way to begin family prayer is to assemble the whole family.  If only for a few minutes bring everyone together.  At the heart of family prayer is scripture. It is ideal if a small portion of Holy Scripture can be read each evening.
The next relatively essential part of night prayer is prayers of petition by each person.  We have by example shown our children that these prayers are not meant for ourselves but other people or family members.  Despite what has gone on during the day, there is a healing of the family that occurs when you hear your children or spouse pray for you.  So often I will lose my temper with the children during the day but yet at night they pray for me.  Hearing them pray for me after I have disciplined them seems to heal any misunderstandings or disagreements we may have.  No matter what has happened they still care about us and we care about them. The next piece to night prayer may include an Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory Be.  This is not essential but merely a suggestion.  When I began adding prayers to our family night prayer, I began with prayers that they would need to learn for the Rosary.  This seemed to work out well.  Later after months of night prayer it became much easier to teach them the Rosary when they already knew most of the prayers.
One thing I have learned from being in the school of Our Blessed Mother is that she always takes things slowly.  She does not expect us to change our lives over night.  Begin small but do it faithfully.  If I may humbly suggest a starting point a family could:
  • Read 1 or 2 Bible stories
  • Say 1 Our Father, 1 Hail Mary, 1 Glory Be together
  • Each person individually pray aloud for their petitions

Please know we are praying for your efforts.

Hand drawing was done by Alina Kaufman in 2016. Alina is a child who has been a member of the Children’s Rosary for five years.